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Fake Id

Do You Use Real Name On Fake Id

Do You Use Real Name On Fake Id

Using a fake ID can be a tempting solution for those under the legal drinking age or looking to gain access to age-restricted venues. However, one of the common concerns when using a fake ID is whether or not to use your real name. The decision to use your real name on a fake ID can have both advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before making a choice.

At, we understand the importance of creating high-quality, realistic fake IDs that can pass scrutiny from bouncers, bartenders, and other security personnel. That’s why we offer a range of customization options to our customers, including the option to use their real name or a fake name on their ID.

One of the main advantages of using your real name on a fake ID is that it can make the ID more believable. If a bouncer or bartender asks for your ID and sees that it has your real name on it, they may be less likely to suspect that it’s a fake. Using your real name can also make it easier to remember the details on your ID, such as your birthdate and address, which can help you avoid getting caught in a lie.

However, using your real name on a fake ID also comes with risks. If you are caught using a fake ID with your real name, you could face serious legal consequences, including fines, community service, or even jail time. Additionally, using your real name on a fake ID can also put your personal information at risk if the ID is lost or stolen.

On the other hand, using a fake name on a fake ID can provide an extra layer of protection. If your fake ID is confiscated or reported to authorities, using a fake name can help shield your real identity from being discovered. This can be especially important if you are caught trying to use a fake ID in a high-security situation, such as at an airport or government building.

However, using a fake name on a fake ID can also have its drawbacks. If your fake ID is scrutinized closely or scanned by advanced technology, using a fake name may raise suspicions and lead to your ID being detected as fake. Additionally, using a fake name can make it more difficult to remember the details on your ID, which can potentially lead to you getting caught in a lie.

Ultimately, the decision to use your real name or a fake name on a fake ID is a personal one that should be carefully considered based on your individual circumstances and preferences. At, we encourage our customers to weigh the risks and benefits of using their real name versus a fake name on their fake ID before making a decision.

In addition to offering high-quality fake IDs, we also provide tips and resources to help our customers use their fake IDs responsibly and safely. We recommend practicing using your fake ID in low-risk situations before attempting to use it in more high-stakes scenarios. We also advise our customers to familiarize themselves with the laws and penalties surrounding fake IDs in their area to avoid getting into legal trouble.

Ultimately, whether you choose to use your real name or a fake name on your fake ID, it’s important to approach the situation with caution and responsibility. By making an informed decision and taking appropriate precautions, you can increase your chances of successfully using a fake ID while minimizing the potential risks and consequences. At, we are committed to helping our customers make smart choices when it comes to using fake IDs, so they can enjoy the benefits of age-restricted venues safely and responsibly.

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