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Fake Id

Minnesota Fake Id Laws

Minnesota Fake Id Laws

Minnesota Fake ID Laws: What You Need to Know

If you are a college student or young adult in Minnesota, you may be tempted to use a fake ID to purchase alcohol or gain entry to bars and clubs. While it may seem harmless, using a fake ID can have serious legal consequences. In this article, we will explore the fake ID laws in Minnesota and what you need to know to avoid getting into trouble.

What is a Fake ID?

A fake ID is a counterfeit document that is used to misrepresent the identity of the person holding it. Commonly, fake IDs are used by individuals who are underage and wish to purchase alcohol or gain entry to places where the minimum age requirement is 21. Fake IDs can be purchased online or through other illicit means, and they are often made to closely resemble a real state-issued ID.

Fake ID Laws in Minnesota

In Minnesota, it is illegal to possess or use a fake ID for the purpose of purchasing alcohol or gaining entry to a bar or club. The penalties for using a fake ID can vary depending on the circumstances, but they can include fines, community service, and even jail time.

According to Minnesota Statutes Section 171.22, it is a misdemeanor offense to possess or display a fake ID for the purpose of purchasing alcohol. If you are caught using a fake ID in Minnesota, you could face a fine of up to $1,000 and up to 90 days in jail. Additionally, your driver’s license could be revoked or suspended, leading to further legal consequences.

It is also important to note that using a fake ID to gain entry to a bar or club can result in criminal charges as well. Under Minnesota law, it is illegal to knowingly use a fake ID to enter a place where alcohol is sold or consumed. If you are caught using a fake ID to gain entry to a bar or club, you could face similar fines and penalties as if you were caught using it to purchase alcohol.

Consequences of Using a Fake ID in Minnesota

The consequences of using a fake ID in Minnesota can be serious and long-lasting. In addition to the legal penalties mentioned above, using a fake ID can also have other negative consequences. For example, if you are caught using a fake ID, it could affect your ability to get a job or apply for college, as it could result in a criminal record. Additionally, using a fake ID can harm your reputation and credibility, as it demonstrates a willingness to break the law.

How to Avoid Getting into Trouble

The best way to avoid getting into trouble with a fake ID is simply not to use one. While it may be tempting to try to purchase alcohol or gain entry to bars and clubs before you turn 21, the risks far outweigh the rewards. Instead, wait until you are of legal age to enjoy these activities, and you will not have to worry about facing legal consequences.

If you are caught using a fake ID in Minnesota, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand your rights and options and can work to minimize the potential consequences of your actions.


Using a fake ID in Minnesota is illegal and can have serious consequences. If you are caught using a fake ID, you could face fines, jail time, and other penalties that could have a lasting impact on your life. Instead of taking the risk, it is best to wait until you are of legal age to purchase alcohol or enter bars and clubs. If you are facing charges related to a fake ID, it is crucial to seek legal advice and representation to protect your rights and mitigate the potential consequences.

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